Recipe Review: No-Bake Vegan Key Lime Pie

It’s very quiet here at home. Almost everyone has gone off for the weekend – for work or play – leaving three of us to fill the big house. This is what I call vacation! :D

(Don’t get me wrong, dear family, I love you all so much, but…) Sometimes quiet is bliss – and cooking for three is SO much fun!

Most of the time, I post recipes I’ve created – either from scratch or from a recipe I got out of a cookbook, online, or elsewhere, and made completely unidentifiable by total revamping, but today I’m doing something different. Because today I tried this delicious Key Lime Pie that is so yummy (and healthy) you won’t believe it. I didn’t change it much, so I didn’t want to do a full post about it, but I wanted to share it with you, my readers, because I know ALL of you appreciate great food and most of you are all about healthy eating.

So read my take on this fascinating recipe and tell me if you don’t want to try it out right this very minute!

POP Key Lime Pie

Photo from

Review Spotlight: No-Bake Vegan Key Lime Pie – Cheap Clean Eats by Cassey Ho over at Blogilates

My first thought: Hmmm…I don’t know about this. Avocado in Lime Pie??? Is it worth trying if I waste two whole avocados? (Avocados are a precious commodity around here!)

I decided it was.

The crust, made of walnuts and dates alone,  is so easy and delicious I had a hard time not eating it with a spoon.  The filling was easy as well and boasts only four ingredients – avocado, lime, stevia and tapioca flour (optional). Just put everything in the food processor and blend. I found it a bit difficult to get all the avocado lumps out, but persistence paid off with a delightfully smooth, lime green texture. The taste test revealed a rather chalky feeling from the tapioca flour, but after chilling, there were no chalky traces left.

I made it about 4 hours ahead of time and put it in the refrigerator. I was rather afraid that the avocado would brown, but the perky green color stayed true.

Changes I made or will make later: I used 2 Tablespoons of raw, local honey instead of stevia. I just don’t like the artificial aftertaste it leaves in my mouth, but using stevia cuts both calories and sugar grams. Honey, on the other hand, supplies added nutritive value and energy for active lifestyles.

I didn’t soak the dates because I’m lazy like that. The crust blended fine for me without soaking.

I did the chilling in the refrigerator instead of the freezer since I wanted more of a pudding texture.

I think I would add 1/2 to 1 more lime next time, just to get more of that wonderful limey “pizZang”. PizZang NEEDS to be a word, don’t you think? A mixture of pizzazz and zang (which should be a word, too, because I use it all the time)  needs to be in the next dictionary, pronto! )

Health rating: 5 stars

Taste rating: 4.8 stars

Taste tester’s ratings (on a scale from 1 [not good]-10[awesome]): As a healthy dessert: 7-8 and 10. As an over all dessert: 7-8 and 7

Make it again? Yes! Definitely. This recipe is not only fast and easy to whip up, but it’s vegan, gluten-free, dairy free, grain free and processed sugars free. I think it will make everyone happy…unless someone doesn’t like lime.

Who doesn’t like lime???

So, is this a dessert you want to try? If you need more convincing, head on over to Blogilates and Cassey will show you how to make it. She even tells you how much it will cost and the calorie count! You’ll find complete instructions and the ingredient list over there.

15 thoughts on “Recipe Review: No-Bake Vegan Key Lime Pie

    • You know, I didn’t think about it until now, but I bet you inspired this post. :) I think your blog is such a great idea! Thanks for dropping by!

  1. Do avocados taste good? I’ve never ever tried them before, so I’m sorta hesitant. And how do we know it’s ripe and ready to use? Thanks in advance.x

  2. Sarah this looks great, my sister is coming to visit and she is gluten intolerant but still loves a sweet treat, this is one I have to try! Thank-you for posting it! I too agree about stevia…I keep trying it but dislike its flavour…I have tried to grow it thinking that if I process it myself it may be better…but no luck so far in that..will try again though ;)

    • I’ve tried it over and over again too! I WANT to like it, but I just can’t. I love that you tried growing/processing your own! I’ve never tried the fresh leaf, though I remember one time we ordered a bag of dried stevia leaves and made cookies with it. It did not go over very well! :P
      Let me know how you all like the recipe!

  3. Only 3 to cook for? Wow!! What will you do with all that free time? ;) Agree 150% on the stevia! Honey sounds like a much much better alternative!

    • Being crazy lazy, that’s what! :P Well, not really. I came up with another chocolate chip cookie recipe that I’ll be posting later.
      Yeah, if one is serious about cutting ALL sugars then maybe stevia is stomachable, but I’m not even convinced it’s healthy with all the processing it goes through to get white. Now, if you want to chew on green leaves, why more power to ya! :D

Throw your thoughts into the mix!